Perfect for experienced Rails developers who are looking to level up their skills in DDD and Event Sourcing

From Legacy To Domain-Driven Rails an online workshop

Learn how to introduce DDD and Event-Driven Architecture into your Rails app with this Hands-On Workshop

  • If you are a Rails developer looking to level up their skills in DDD and Event Sourcing.
  • You want to learn how to design the aggregates and implement them in Rails.
  • You want to leverage events to communicate between different parts of the system.
  • You want to understand the CQRS and use it to build dedicated read models.
  • Want to join future workshop? đŸ€”
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Join the online workshop and learn practical DDD and Event Sourcing techniques in Rails

During the workshop improve broken version of the e-commerce application. We will start with large Active Record models. We will split them into different Bounded Contexts. We will design Aggregates and implement them in Rails. Our goal is using DDD and Event Sourcing to solve business problems that affect different actors using the system.

Together, we’ll dive into concepts like Bounded Contexts and Domain Models, transforming them into aggregates. I'll tell you what heuristics to follow to make this process easier. We’ll also cover event sourcing and demonstrate how it can open the door to an event-driven architecture.

What's in it for you?

Master Domain-Driven Design (DDD)
Learn how to effectively apply DDD principles to your Rails applications.
Integrate Event-Driven Architecture
Discover how to incorporate events into your system.
All Cards On The Table
Learn how to do that in real cases, including data migration strategies and best practices.
Real-World Problem Solving
See how we identify and tackle challenges using DDD and event-driven tools.
Design Aggregates and Processes
Learn how to design aggregates and processes correctly.
Ɓukasz Reszke

Presenter: Ɓukasz Reszke

I work at Arkency. We help companies with large Rails applications by improving processes, simplifying the codebase and making it easier to maintain and evolve. We're business-oriented developers. We believe that the code is just a tool to solve the business problem.

Large Rails applications are our speciality.

I am software engineer, trainer and consultant. During my career I've worked with different products. I believe that there is no one tool to rule them all. My experience taught me that many of the problems that different believe face are not related to the technology. Most of the problems are related to the way we think about the product and the way we work on it.


  • Introducing Events to the application
  • Building Read Models
  • Using EventStorming to understand design issues
  • Finding Bounded Contexts
  • Splitting large ActiveRecord models to different Bounded Contexts
  • Implementing Aggregates & Event Sourced Aggregates
  • Tuning Business Logic with DDD Policies
  • Developing Process Managers
  • Q & A

From this


we will figure out how (and why) to extract this part into separate model:


If You Are...

  • A Rails developer looking to expand your toolkit beyond the Rails-way approach,
  • Frustrated by the limitations of CRUD when building large Rails applications,
  • In need of a reliable way to implement audit logging,
  • Interested in collaborating more closely with business stakeholders and asking the right questions,
  • Ready to refactor callback hell, slim down fat models, and tackle performance issues head-on,

If You Want to Learn How to...

  • Discover business insights that guide purposeful code design,
  • Redesign existing classes to be smaller and better aligned with business goals,
  • Get started with Event-Driven Design,
  • Build a reliable audit log using Event Sourcing,

...then this workshop is for you!